Advisory Board

The REMC Advisory Board is chosen by the intermediate school districts’ boards in the area served by each REMC. In the case of REMC1, that service area covers both the CCISD and GOISD. The REMC Policy Board advises on the hiring of the director, policies and direction, structure, and general operation of a REMC. The REMC1 advisory board currently meets twice a year.

Below are the current REMC board members:

Gale Eilola – CCISD - Chair

Nels Christopherson – CCISD - Vice-Chair

Lisa Tarvainen – CCISD - Secretary

Tim Palosaari – CCISD - Alternate

James Rautiola – CCISD (non-voting) - Superintendent

Cathy Shamion – GOISD

Ann Wuorinen – GOISD

Jim Ojala – GOISD

TBD – GOISD - Alternate

Alan Tulppo – GOISD (non-voting) - Superintendent

Joshua Hiner (non-voting) - REMC Director